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United Way for Cortland County – Diversity & Inclusion Statement
United Way for Cortland County – Diversity & Inclusion Statement
We recognize that in order to achieve our mission, we must continuously strive to be relevant and responsive to our community as a whole. As our community grows in its diversity, we must remain increasingly intentional about aligning our practices, policies, staffing and volunteers to reflect the changing communities we serve.
The United Way for Cortland County recognizes diversity to include all human characteristics that make us unique as individuals. It includes everyone and excludes no one. Race, gender, gender identity, geographic origin, culture, age, ability, sexual orientation, economic status, marital status and religion are just some of the characteristics that shape us as people. Inclusion is our strategy to leverage the diversity of our community.
We will continually strive to be a model of diversity and inclusion; committed to creating a supportive environment that enables all people, donors, staff, board members, volunteers, and community partners, to perform to their potential by fostering teamwork and maximizing participation that highlight the unique skills and talents of all members of our community.
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